People always ask me where I am working in the summer to help pay for this California adventure- I constantly have to explain my job. I basically am working at a car factory; unracking parts and putting them into boxes and checking for faults. We make a bunch of parts for Mercedes, Honda, Ford, etc – making handles, hubcaps, cup holders, inside and outside decorative chrome parts, etc. It is an intense eight hours from 6am-2pm in hot conditions of at least 90 degrees with fans blowing dusty air into your lungs, but it feels so good. For two twenty minute breaks, you catch your breath- but soon enough, time is up and the heat hits you like a brick wall when you walk out of the air conditioned oasis.
Factory Floor
As of this day, I have forty-six days of pure hell to endure before I move to California. Don’t get me wrong, the money is great and is helping me pay for my rent out in CA, but it is a battle.
I am 80% sure I now have my housing set when I move. A family friend has a condo in Carlsbad that I can rent from her. I am about 5-8 miles from my job at Transworld, and although I will be living in a condo with an older woman- apparently she is never there and I really can not turn down a $500/month rent fee. For a furnished room overlooking multi-million dollar houses and the La Costa Golf Resort- $500 is a steal.
View From My Bedroom
So far things are working out. I just can’t wait to get out there. An epic roadtrip is in the future and couldn’t come sooner.